PERSPEC✝IVA XIX 2020 nr 1 (36)

PERSPEC✝IVA XIX 2020 nr 1 (36)


Czekamy na beatyfikację sługi Bożego kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego. Czekamy i przygotowujemy się. Wzmagając te przygotowania, które z pewnością uwzględnią biograficzne poznanie samej osoby, faktów z życia i dzieła Prymasa Tysiąclecia, skorzystajmy ochoczo z trzech tzw. kazań świętokrzyskich, aby w zaciszu domowego, niestety, lockdownu rozpocząć przygodę z prymasowską myślą społeczną. W kazaniach tych kard. Wyszyński podnosi sprawę kondycji człowieka widzianą z trzech perspektyw: homo Dei, homo oeconomicus, homo politicus.
W jednym z nich, a konkretnie w pierwszym, wygłoszonym 13 stycznia 1974 r., Prymas Polski, wychodząc od naturalnego dla każdego człowieka, głęboko egzystencjalnego pragnienia istnienia w nieskończoność, poprzez intelektualną potrzebę trwania w prawdzie, jak również przez pragnienie bycia dobrym, dochodzi do jeszcze jednej, fundamentalnej tęsknoty konstytuującej człowieka. Jej treścią jest stałe szukanie, nawet domaganie się miłości. Kard. Wyszyński wyjaśnia:

Człowiek nadto pragnie – i to jest bodaj najsilniejsze dążenie – być miłowanym. Mniej może pragnie miłować, niż – być miłowanym, korzystać z miłości. Rzecz znamienna, że wymiar miłości sublimuje się. Człowiek, przechodząc od miłości fizycznej, której niedostateczność łatwo stwierdza, szuka miłości wyższego rzędu – miłości duchowej,
a nawet nadprzyrodzonej. (Nauczanie społeczne 1946-1981. Warszawa 1990 s. 575)
Pomyślmy! Mowa o trzech rodzajach miłości: fizycznej, duchowej i nadprzyrodzonej. Pierwsza narasta i wyczerpuje się w obszarze ludzkiego ciała. Druga wchodzi w obszar wyższych pragnień i osiągnięć ludzkich. Mowa o wymiarze duchowym człowieka, swoistej „matrycy ideowej”, której współrzędnymi są lepiej lub gorzej określone miary prawdy, dobra i piękna oraz jedności czy harmonii. Trzeci poziom miłości dotyka nadprzyrodzoności. W tej przestrzeni rozgrywa się coś więcej niż przeżycie błogości charakterystyczne dla poprzednich poziomów miłości. Tutaj trwa dialog na temat istnienia, sensu i trwania. Jest to dialog o Bogu i z Bogiem, dialog o Jego wszechmocy i miłości.
Pełnia miłości fizycznej ujawnia się w doświadczaniu zdrowia, zaakceptowaniu posiadanej urody i w przeżyciu seksualnym. Pełnia miłości duchowej obfituje w podziw i zrozumienie, natomiast pełnię miłości nadprzyrodzonej charakteryzuje zdumienie, wdzięczność i oddanie, eksplodujące w uwielbienie. Tyle refleksji zachęcającej do dalszych.
Drodzy Czytelnicy, przyjmijcie obecne wydanie naszego czasopisma. Życzymy miłej lektury. Życzymy także szybkiego powrotu do pozapandemicznej „normalności”.

Ks. Bogusław Drożdż
Redaktor naczelny

Legnica, 29 czerwca 2020 r., w uroczystość Świętych Apostołów Piotra i Pawła,
głównych patronów diecezji legnickiej

Imprint (język polski)

Spis treści (język polski)

Table of Contents


All of the following articles of this issue are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
S.E.R. Mons. Octavio Ruiz Arenas
Formación de Agentes de Nueva Evangelización
The new evangelization needs evangelizers. Where are they going to come from? And if they already are, what should be their formation? It is about spiritual formation for which intellectual and pastoral formation is also essential. The new evangelization has become a driving force and a new motivating force for new evangelizing activities. The so-called centers of new evangelization arise in various places around the world. There are more and more of them every year. Above all, they gather those Christians who feel that they can and should become good disciples of Jesus Christ, and this means that they will also be good evangelizers, that is sowers of the Word of God, as well as fervent promoters of the sacramental leaven.

Ks. Stanisław Bakes
Organizacje mające wpływ na idee polskiego skautingu u początku jego historii
We are proud to celebrate the 100th anniversary of regaining independence. After 123 years of occupation, on November 11th, 1918 Poland returned to the World map! No one gave this freedom to us. Love for the fatherland in the hearts of young people was awakened by their fathers and mothers, then entrenched through various organizations that have national matters inscribed into their identity, revived by national heroes, people of the Catholic Church, science and culture (especially representatives of romanticism and positivist authors of “organic work” and “work at the grassroots”) and attested through blood shed during national uprisings. In this great array of creators of independence can be found a large number of representatives of emerging polish scout movement shaped by scouting, personalistic educational system with the main thrust being religiousness. Scouting created by Baden Powell was introduced in Poland on the basis of independence movements (such as Association of Polish Youth “Zarzewie”), Polish Gymnastic Societies – “Sokół” and Ethical Movements “Eleusis” that deepened scouting ideals and added to them independence.
Those organizations created the first scouting units which, simultaneously with country regaining its independence, as early as in 1918 (1-2 November) united into the Polish Scouting Association. Till this day Polish scouting shapes young people through proposing them development on all fronts.

Ks. Sławomir Dębowiak
Waltera Kaspra klucz do pojmowania chrześcijańskiego miłosierdzia
Refired cardinal Walter Kasper is a great authority among contemporary theologians in revealing the ideas of God’s mercy to the world. The work written by the theologian under the title “Mercy, The Essence of the Gospel and the key to Christian Life” is a monumental theological work which integrally approaches the truth which is inscribed in the very core of the Christian confession of faith and was commissioned to be proclaimed to the whole world by the Paschal Christ. A man formed in such a reliable school of mercy, is to become a witness of God’s mercy on the paths of Christian life and is to bring the world the ideas of God’s mercy inscribed in the evangelizing vocation of the church of the Christ the Lord. The concept of God’s mercy is for us an extraordinary opportunity not only for indepth theological reflection, purely existential reflections, but also becomes a very innovative carrierbased vision of all Christian doctrine.

Ks. Bogusław Drożdż
Nowa ewangelizacja – re- czy de- konstrukcja definicji?
Methodically mature defining is important to scientific development. It is also essential for a development of the pastoral theology and the condition of the parish chaplaincy and the mission that the Church carries out towards the whole world. For several decades, the attention of pastors and theologians has been focused on the problem of the new evangelization. What is it? Does the new evangelization differ from the so-called “old” evangelization? It can be tentatively accepted that the new evangelization is the convincing proclamation of the gospel words and deeds of Jesus Christ, the only Savior of the world, in the context of contemporary socio-cultural conditions, that are entangled in a relativistic interpretation of meanings. The article looks at this definition and puts a question: whether the reconstruction of the given definition is necessary?

Ks. Jarosław Górecki
System wartości Unii Europejskiej w świetle współczesnego nauczania Kościoła
The European Union is a community characterized by the integration efforts of individual European countries in compliance with their own national identity. It takes place in various spheres of human life, including social, economic and political ones. Nevertheless, it is important what the value system is shaped by the EU legislation. The purpose of the above article is to indicate not only the strengths of European integration, but also the threats that result from the establishing of values in legal acts that are contrary to the post-Conciliar teaching of the Church and the Christian idea of the founders of the common Europe.

Ks. Andrzej Hładki
Recepcja soborowej odnowy liturgii w Polsce w świetle prac nad wydaniem Mszału rzymskiego w języku polskim.
The publication of the renewed Roman Missal after the Second Vatican Council in 1970 was a great event in the life of the Church. The next edition of the Missal was published in 1975, while Pope John Paul II on January 11, 2000 approved the third edition of the Roman Missal, which finally came to light on February 22, 2002. The Roman Missal for Polish dioceses was issued in 1976. It contained extensive experience resulting from the reception of liturgical renewal in the Church of Poland. We will have to wait a few more years for the new missal to be published in Polish. But we already have at our disposal the General Introduction to the Roman Missal, approved by the Holy See and implemented by the decree of the Primate of Poland on Ash Wednesday, February 25, 2004. We should already celebrate the Mass according to the norms given therein.

Ks. Tobiasz Matkowski
Nierozerwalność małżeństwa w doktrynie i prawie Kościoła
After initial clarifying the meaning of indissolubility and the necessity of the stability of the relationship for the good of the spouses and the good of their offspring, the fragments of the Savior’s gospel teaching regarding indissolubility are being analyzed. After presenting Christ’s teaching on marriage and explaining of socalled the Matthew clause, the author briefly shows the continuity of teaching in Christian literature and the Church’s magisterium, starting from the Hermas Psalter to the pontificate of Pope John Paul II.

Ks. Joachim Nowak
Die Dogmatisierung der Immaculata – Lehre durch Papst Pius IX
During the Annunciation, Mary confirmed her “yes” to God’s plan of salvation. From the moment of her conception, She is absolutely free from all stain of the original sin. Pope Pius IX solemnly proclaimed the Immaculate Conception as a dogma in the Bull of Ineffabilis Deus on December 8, 1854. The main formula is the following words of this bull: “We declare, define and adjudicate that the doctrine which holds that the Blessed Virgin Mary from the first moment of her conception, by the grace and special privilege of almighty God, by virtue of the foreseen merits of Christ Jesus (intuitu meritorum Christi Jesu), The Savior of mankind, was preserved intact (praeservatam immunem) from all stain of the original sin, is the truth revealed by God and therefore all the faithful should persistently and without hesitation believe in it”(DH 2803). Together with the Assumpta dogma of 1950, the dogma of the Immaculate Conception belongs to the Marian dogmas of the modern times. Both are also confirmed by the Second Vatican Council.

Petro Pidlubnyi
Rewizja prawa kanonicznego dla Kościołów wschodnich na Soborze Watykańskim II
The article presents the works of the Pontifical Commission on establishing the order and issuing a common code of church law for all Eastern Catholic Churches. It presents various legal problems of these Churches and various ways of standardizing of legal norms.

Ks. Mariusz Sobkowiak
Eschatologiczny aspekt Eucharystii w teologii Josepha Ratzingera – Benedykta XVI
The article points to the eschatic dimension of the Eucharist, which, unfortunately, is often overlooked in liturgical theology. The essential problem of the article is contained in the question: what is the relationship between the Eucharist and the eschatic future? In other words – what is the relationship between the earthly liturgy (on Earth) and the heavenly liturgy (in Haven)? The attempt to answer this question was made based on the scientific legacy of one of the greatest contemporary theologians – Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI. He is often referred to as a Co-worker of Truth, a Bavarian theologian or the Herald of Truth. He distinguishes three essential elements of the Eucharist: resurrection, parousia and heaven. The article was based mainly on such items as: The Spirit of the Liturgy, The Feast of Faith and the Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum caritatis.

Ks. Marek Suchecki
Biblijne wątki prefacji o Najświętszej Maryi Pannie wybranej córce Izraela
Collection of Masses on the Blessed Virgin Mary, one of the fruits of the post-conciliar liturgical reform, has forms for a given liturgical period. In the prefaces which are there, we can find many threads drawn from the Holy Scripture. The subject of this study is an attempt to extract biblical threads from the advent preface entitled The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Chosen Daughter of Israel.

Ks. Piotr Wawrzynek
Elementy warunkujące zdolność parafii do stawania się środowiskiem ewangelizacji wobec współczesnych wyzwań duszpasterskich
The parish is the basic unit of the Church and the first place for the implementation of the mission of evangelization. She is therefore called to be a community of faith and to put into practice in her own environment the evangelizing message, especially towards the lost and non-believers. In the face of dynamic processes of secularization, migration and the ubiquitous media influence, new pastoral challenges are continually appeared, which the parish must recognize, name and undertake. The parish should undergo a process of transformation from the traditional model into an environment renewed on the pastoral and socio-cultural levels.


Ks. Adam Szpotański
Zadania i rola ORMO w drugiej połowie lat 80. XX wieku na przykładzie miasta i gminy Bogatynia

Ks. Adam Szpotański
Realizacja dekretu o amnestii z 19 lipca 1977 roku na przykładzie miasta i gminy Bogatynia


– Całość recenzji i omówień –

Ks. Adam Szpotański
Nina Majewska-Brown
Anioł życia z Auschwitz
Warszawa 2020 ss. 348

Ks. Adam Szpotański
Paola Calvetti
Elżbieta II. Portret królowej
Warszawa 2020 ss. 320

Michał Stachurski
Roger Scruton
Głupcy, oszuści i podżegacze. Myśliciele nowej lewicy
Warszawa 2018 ss. 429

Ks. Adam Szpotański
Hans Mommsen
Historia Holokaustu. Ostateczne rozwiązanie
Warszawa 2020 ss. 231

Ks. Adam R. Prokop
Kronika książąt polskich
Jerzy Wojtczak-Szyszkowski (tłum. i oprac.)
Opole 2019 ss. 211

Ks. Adam Szpotański
Patryk Pleskota
Księża z Katynia
Kraków 2020 ss. 336